
Introducing.... Larry

Cold snap early in the year

The sea froze where it was shallow, out to 100 meters from the shore

Flying above a snowey landscape, haven't done that before

A cold day above the cliffs

In a Corona year, why not a Corona cut?

Masala had a tumor poor thing. She was not in pain but it bled alot and that bothered her

Ulla buys a food processor

Stanley, pre-Larry. Poor Stanley had no way of knowing what was to come...

Some of the flying team

April 10th, Masala's last day and hour. A last trip to the beach

Jamie is 15

Which is Spring time

Our first visit with Larry who is a month old

Stanners chilling with cold drink

Larry moves in

Wee chap, about a kilo's worth

Biiiig pussy cat

The house project won't go away...

Personality makes up for looks

Home with no rules

With company watching the 2021 European Cup

Me, terrified, painting

Larry so wants to be friends

Way too early in the morning

Birthday soap!

Matt, Emma, Jamie and me in Sweden for some (unsuccessful) fishing

From this

to this in 30 minutes

Big Swedish beers!

No fish...

But other things to do on the lake

Tegelberg in Bavaria for some flying

An example of 'hang-waiting', ie waiting for the weather

Larry and Emma's dog Viggo

Larry and Viggo are buddies although they are also fond of biting each other

My wing is the one on the right, rigged and waiting to go

Larry before he stopped sleeping with me. Not sure why but it has stopped, suspect that I am too boring

We go for lots of walks together though

Sometimes we take Viggo

Sometimes just us two

Nordsjaelland from the air, about 30 minutes from home

Tegelberg, Bavaria, Germany

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